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21-12-2022 - 10:49 pm
كيفكم بنات ان شاء الله بخير
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How Food Keeps You Healthy
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
- Hippocrates (400 BC)
The notion of diet and health is not new and dates back to Hippocrates. Today, there is a lot of attention paid to "bad" foods and foods that are detrimental to our health and perhaps not enough said about the healthful ones. It is very easy to focus on our worst nutritional habits and forget that some of the most delicious and healthy foods are ones we eat on a weekly basis and don't even realize their benefits.
Foods like garlic, tomatoes, almonds, walnuts, yogurt and oatmeal, as well as many others, are known as functional foods, or foods that provide health benefits and/or reduce the risk of disease in addition to basic nutrition.
Foods with health benefits
Take tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in Vitamin C, an important nutrient for health, and researchers have also found that eating tomatoes and tomato products may decrease the risk for developing cancers due to the functional component lycopene. Many fruits and vegetables are considered nutritional powerhouses and this is attributed to components of their pigment (which gives them their color) called antioxidants. That is why eating a "colorful" diet is a simple way to consume a variety of functional foods.
A clove of garlic a day may help reduce blood pressure and decrease cholesterol levels. Garlic may also boost your immune system, increasing your resistance to infection and stress. To get the immune power from garlic, crush the cloves with the flat side of a knife before adding them to your food. This releases the garlic juice, which has great immune properties.
Cheese and other dairy products contain conjugated linoleic acid, a natural component of dairy fat that has boosted immune response in animal studies. Dairy products like yogurt and acidophilus milk contain probiotics. Foods that contain probiotics - live cultures of various strains of beneficial bacteria- are showing great promise in a variety of clinical and laboratory studies for their ability to boost the immune system, ease gastrointestinal problems, protect against different types of cancer and battle other ills to help us achieve optimal health. While the facts are still coming in, so far the news is good about these friendly, health-enhancing bacterial cultures added to certain foods.
Add functional foods to your meals
Oatmeal makes a great whole-grain, high-fiber, low-fat breakfast. It is quick to prepare and is a good source of iron. And, when served with milk, it is a great source of calcium too. A big bowl of oatmeal every day has been proven to lower cholesterol. In fact, high-fiber diets in general have been shown to slash the risk of heart disease and to aid in weight management.
Tips for adding functional foods to your meals:
Try grilled salmon, which is rich is omega-3 fatty acids, and serve fresh greens with a yogurt-based garlic salad dressing
Stir fry vegetables with extra garlic
Add extra tomato sauce and spinach when ordering pizza
Choose a fresh apple or juicy orange for dessert
Mix canned tuna with grated carrots, red peppers, onions and garlic
Be adventurous!
Snack for Health
Healthy snacking is also a great way to consume more functional foods. And, healthy snacking keeps blood-sugar levels stable and helps prevent overeating at meals.
Healthy Snack Ideas:
Grab a piece of fruit or string cheese for a healthy snack on the go
Mix frozen blueberries with low-fat yogurt and a splash of 100% orange juice for a delicious smoothie. According to the USDA, blueberries are one of the most effective disease-fighting antioxidant foods - topping a list of 40 other fruits, juices, and vegetables. They're also high in fiber and nearly fat free.
Mix nuts, like almonds or walnuts, and dried fruit together and hit the trail! You may already enjoy nuts in your cereal or as a snack but you probably don't know just how good they are for you. Nuts contain the antioxidant vitamin E. They are also an excellent source of protein and magnesium and offer fiber, the B vitamin folate and phosphorus - almonds even contain some calcium. Studies have shown that one ounce - a small handful - five times a week reduces heart disease in people with high cholesterol.
So, don't forget the importance of healthy snacks. Feeling your best requires a variety of foods from all of the food groups - healthy snacking can help you meet your nutrient needs!
Nutritious Variety
To determine which functional foods will benefit you, learn more about your personal health risks. By eating a variety of foods - including functional foods - on a regular basis, you may help decrease your specific disease risk factors. Whether you're relaxing after work with takeout or sitting down to a family meal, don't leave good nutrition behind.

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