الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
20-10-2022 - 10:19 am
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
المعجزة الكبرى في مكه والكعبة بالأدلة العلمية المصورة !!
لماذا مكة والكعبة المشرفة مُكرمتين لدى المسلمين؟
ولماذا يصلي المسلم باتجاه الكعبة (القبلة)؟
ولماذا يطوف الحجّاج والمعتمرين حول الكعبة بعكس عقارب الساعة ؟
ما هي علاقة مكة والكعبة بالسماء ؟
هل كان دين الأولين في الأرض هو الإسلام ؟
لكل من يشكك بالإسلام وصلاة المسلمين
لكل من يبحث عن الحقيقة والنجاة
لكل من يصدر أحكامه بدون دليل
لكل شخص عاقل يقبل بالدليل العلمي
أعرض المعجزة الكبرى في مكة والكعبة بالأدلة العلمية

التعليقات (6)
اللهم إكتب لنا عمره قريبه وحجه قبل الموت

Good News, Good News, and Bad News Warhammer OnlineI mentioned the other day that my video card died, and I needed to pick up a new one. Well it looks like I ordered it just in time, because the beta over at Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning just added a bunch of new players, myself included. If you haven’t tried to signup for a beta account yet I’ll link the sign up page later on in the post.Anyways so the first piece of good news for me is my new video card. I picked up an nVidia eVGA 8800 GT from NewEgg.com for about $250 including the shipping to Hawaii. Really easy installation for the hardware, and drivers.So once I got my new card up, and running I had to make sure my World of Warcraft game could be played.Just as I suspected it booted up, and I could play at my regular resolutions again proving that my video card was the cause of my inability to play WoW. I can finally hit the auction houses again to start earning wow gold now. My gold supply is still at 13,000 since I only sold about 1k gold in January despite having the lowest price on my server on Sparter.Anyway the next bit of news is both good, and bad news. I have been accepted as one of the newer beta testers this timer around. So this news put together with the fact that I’m playing the beta on a new video card makes Mitch a happy gamer. Now for the bad news…The EA Mythic, the makers of Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning. Have made all beta testers sign a strict NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement). So as much as I would like to tell you the ins and outs of this upcoming MMORPG I can’t. My hands are tied on the subject along with my tongue. Soo you’ll just have to hope that once you do sign up for the Warhammer Online Beta, that you’ll be part of the next group that gets invited in for the next phase. Its really a bummer for me since I wanted to arrogantly tease people who aren’t in share about the Warhammer Online Beta.Anyways happy gaming to everyone, with my computer back up and running I can finally write some posts again.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to our WAR Power leveling site:There have professional Warhammer Online Power Leveling and free WAR Power leveling.If you want to buy WAR Gold and cheapest Warhammer Gold please visit our war leveling Web site.LWB

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s α м s o м
جزيتي خيرا

عنواني الصمت
عنواني الصمت
جزاك الله خيرا

دلوعه امها**
دلوعه امها**
سبحان الله
جزاك الله خيير

صاحبة السياده
صاحبة السياده
سبحان الله
جزاك الله خيير

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أيتها الفتيات الكعب العالي قد يؤدي الى الجنون