الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
مشاعل الجذابة
29-12-2022 - 10:46 pm
كيفكم يااحلى فراشات ابغى منكم موضوع عنyour childhood موقف صار في طفولتي وماراح انساه طول عمري يعني لا يفارق مخيلتك والموقف اما سعيد او حزين ومع الموضوع بليز ابغى عدد من الاسئلة عن الموضوع كل الاسئلة تكون wh يعني what why how who where when وتسلمولي اللة لا يحرمني منكم معليش طفشتكم بس مشغولة ومحتاسة والواجب عليه درجات

التعليقات (7)
مشاعل الجذابة
مشاعل الجذابة
19 مشاركة ومااحد جاوبني شكلي حسدتكم ماهقيتها منكم بليز ردولي قبل الجمعة عشين ادبر نفسي مع خالص حبي

روعة دنيتي
روعة دنيتي
والله ياقلبي نفسي اساعدك....
بس والله ماعندي سالفه في الانجلش...
الله يوفقك وييسر امرك...وتحصلي الموضوع >> وتاخذين الفل مارك

شهد الأيام
شهد الأيام
والله ماأدري اذا كنتي خلاص تبين الموضوع او لا بس اذا للحين تبينه أمهليني أكتبه وأجيبه
لك بكره هنا ( ان شاء الله ) لأني الحين طالعه .... أنتظر ردك اليوم أوكي؟ وابشري باللي يرضيك ان شاء الله

مشاعل الجذابة
مشاعل الجذابة
تسلمولي وانا ياشهد الايام محتاجة الموضوع ولسة مانتهيت منه بس ابغاه قبل اللسبت وتسلميلي على ردك ومشاركتك

Hi how are you i have afunny story it didnt happened to me but to my friend
One day at the early morning i was waiting for the busto go to school and i was still feeling sleepy ,but suddenly,i saw two men walking wearing the same clothes ,they were at the same tall stature and their faces are the same they were very ugly i was shaking from horror and in one second they got throughor in our neigbours wall so i discovered at that moment they were twoghosts honestly i couldnt move at all ,but with no warning i waked up on my mothers shouting on my face to wake me up from my sleeping at seven colckto get ready to school i felt happy because it was a nightmare so i swaered not to see horror moveis at the midnight time.....
i hope you enjoyed the story but beleive me it is true
and here are the quistions:
1- what was the girl waiting for?
2-How many men she saw?
3-what were they look like?
4-where they went to?
5- when did her mother wake her up?
6-what is the lesson that you can learn from this story?
buy and if you need any help just ask
ana if there is any comment one this just say it and i will be very happy to correct
dont forget me from your asks to Allah

Hi how are you i have afunny story it didnt happened to me but to my friend
One day at the early morning i was waiting for the busto go to school and i was still feeling sleepy ,but suddenly,i saw two men walking wearing the same clothes ,they were at the same tall stature and their faces are the same they were very ugly i was shaking from horror and in one second they got throughor in our neigbours wall so i discovered at that moment they were twoghosts honestly i couldnt move at all ,but with no warning i waked up on my mothers shouting on my face to wake me up from my sleeping at seven colckto get ready to school i felt happy because it was a nightmare so i swaered not to see horror moveis at the midnight time.....
i hope you enjoyed the story but beleive me it is true
and here are the quistions:
1- what was the girl waiting for?
2-How many men she saw?
3-what were they look like?
4-where they went to?
5- when did her mother wake her up?
6-what is the lesson that you can learn from this story?
buy and if you need any help just ask
ana if there is any comment on this just say it and i will be very happy to correct
dont forget me from your asks to Allah

مشاعل الجذابة
مشاعل الجذابة
تسلمي والله يوفقك ويحققلك كل الي تتمنيه ولكي جزيل الشكر

help me
أنقذوني الله يعافيكم بسرعه