16-09-2022 - 06:01 pm
السلام عليكم
عندي Exam يوم الاثنين وهو مثل شرح التعبير واتكلم عنه اخترت عن الصداقه
وبحط لكم التعبير حقي وشوفوا ترتيبه صح او لا
my friend
my best frind is Huda
her father is a doctor. and her mather is a teacher. Her have 3 sister and 2 brother.Her favoirite color is read. Her favoirte food is a fish .she likes cooking but she dosnat like swimming.Her become in the future engineer. It,s really a wonderful friend. Iwish her a happy life.
واذا كان فييه أغلاط أملائيه او في القرامر قولولي بليز
my best frind is Huda
her father is a doctor. and her mather is a teacher. She have 3 sister and 2 brother.Her favoirite color is read. Her favoirte food is a fish .she likes cooking but she does not like swimming. She want to become in the future engineer. It,s really a wonderful friend. I wish her a happy life.
مرحبا ياعسل .. حاولت أصحح لك التعبير "اتمنى يكون صح لأنو انا لسى مبتدأه ف اللغه"
ننتظر آراء الفرّوشات وإن شاء الله مايقصرون معك
دعواتك لي بالشفاء