الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
الحنونة الحلوة
07-05-2022 - 05:54 am
بنات ممكن مساعدتكم يالغاليات انا عندي طلب بحث ولازم اسلمه بكره السبت وانا لصراحه تعبت ومالقيت شيء للحين والبحث عليه درجات كثيره حيل وأنا محتاجه لهاالدرجات والبحث مطلوب من هالسؤالين:
how can you search the internet??
والسؤال الثاني هو :some benefits of the internet??
وراح أكون شاكرة لكم جزيل الشكر لو ساعدتوني اليوم والله يسعدكم دنيا وىخرة ان شاء الله وأتمنى أنكم ماتبخلون علي

التعليقات (5)
الحنونة الحلوة
الحنونة الحلوة
بنات بليز الله يسعدكم ساعدوني البحث مطلوب مني الصبح بكره ساعدوني الله يوفقكم دنيا وآخره يارب

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
how can you search the internet
Authenticating Online Information
Anybody can post information on the Internet, making it possible to find "proof" of any ideas or beliefs you can imagine. Yet to many students, "If it's on the Internet, it must be true."
Traditionally, when looking for information, we would seek out reputable sources such as an established newspaper or book publisher. We tend to trust material published by public institutions, written by experts, or recommended by information specialists such as librarians or teachers.
As well, such traditional resources had "gatekeepers"—editors, fact checkers or peer reviewers—to make sure the material was accurate. The job of these gatekeepers was to weed out incomplete or erroneous information, as well as lies and hoaxes.
But the Internet is different. In most cases it has no such gatekeepers: anyone and everyone can appear to be an "expert." So to get the most out of the Internet, students need to learn two things: first, how to find good information online; and second, how to evaluate the information they find.
How to find good information
With millions of pages already published, and thousands more being posted every day, finding information can be daunting. Some online searches produce hundreds of results - and many legitimate-sounding Web sites may not be what they appear to be. A good start is to use dependable sources, such as bookmarks collections from library and educational sites. As well, learn to conduct effective online searches. The MNet backgrounder How to Do An Effective Search on the Internet (in the right sidebar) contains tips on finding good information on the Internet.
Evaluating online information
When you think you've found what you're looking for, the next step is to evaluate the information. How can you determine if the source is legitimate? There are several questions you can ask. For instance: What is the purpose of the Web site— Has it been created to provide information, or promote its own products? The information you find on a pharmaceutical company site, for example, may be quite different from that offered by a government health agency.
Part of Web literacy involves encouraging students to approach the Internet with a healthy scepticism. They should ask the right questions about the information they encounter online:
* Who is the source?
* What am I getting?
* When was it created?
* Where am I?
* Why am I there?
* How can I distinguish quality information from junk?
The resources listed in the right sidebar include strategies to help students think critically about online information. Using the template The Five Ws of Cyberspace as a guide, young people can examine the authorship, purpose, perspective and presentation of Web sites, in order to determine their credibility. Deconstructing Web Pages provides a step-by-step application of the five Ws to an actual Web site - with some interesting results. And finally, Quick Tips for Authenticating Online Information offers some simple and effective strategies for assessing sites.
The two background documents (Evaluating Internet-Based Information: A Goals-Based Approach, and Evaluating Internet Research Sources, by educators David Warlick and Robert Harris), provide strategies and templates for disseminating online information, and for integrating Internet research into classroom assignments.
Plagiarism is hardly a new issue in the classroom. However, the Internet makes it easy to locate ready-made information to cut and paste into research papers. That may make cheating a tempting proposition for some students.
The Internet is forcing teachers to rethink how they assign and evaluate student research. If you've used that Macbeth essay topic for a few years, the chances are good that samples of it can be found on one of the many essay sites on the Web. Luckily, most students who are guilty of plagiarism download free essays that can easily be traced. All a teacher has to do is perform his/her own search on a suspicious paper: typing its title, topic, or even a few sentences from the body into a search engine will often produce results. (As a preventative measure, teachers can even conduct their own searches for topics before assigning the essay - and let students know that you do so.)
The plagiarism resources listed at right offer guidelines to teaching students the importance of using and citing Web resources responsibly, as well as how to recognize and prevent plagiarism.
The issue of discouraging plagiarism is inextricably bound up with the issue of teaching students to respect the laws of intellectual property—such as copyright.
Copyright is a complex issue, especially as it concerns the Internet. However, there are some excellent online resources available. The Council of Ministers of Education, the Canadian School Boards Association and the Canadian Teachers' Federation have created a handy reference for teachers called "Copyright Matters!" And the Telus "2 learn" Web site has an extensive section on digital copyright called "What Every Teacher Should Know about Copyright." Links to these sites, and to the University of Berkley's "Style Sheets for Citing Internet and Electronic Resources," are provided in the right sidebar.
(Source: Young Canadians in a Wired World Survey, Media Awareness Network, 2005)

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
some benefits of the internet
Benefits of the internet
The internet can provide children and adults alike with a world of exciting opportunities. It offers:
* educational games and programs
* research information for school projects and business
* the opportunity to communicate with people from all around the world
* the opportunity to share resources and ideas with people that have the same interests
* shopping around the world without leaving your computer.
The internet uses multimedia and interactivity extensively. Using multimedia means that you can access not only written words, but also pictures, music and sound effects. Interactivity means that the user can choose what they want to see just by the click of a mouse. The computer ‘asks’ users questions which they can then answer.
Internet Benefits
The changing communication and data transfer technologies of the internet today are effecting the way many companies do business. Depending on the nature of your organization, the benefits of internet presence will vary.
We can help your organization take advantage of the internet by developing a web presence that promotes your company on the web, fits your budget and helps your company gain a great audience. Here are several benefits of internet publishing.
With a presence on the internet companies gain access to previously unreachable local, regional and international markets. Existing and potential customers can access your site from the office of at home on their own schedule with not assistance from you.
Provide information to the public about your organization's products and services, allow visitors to browse a museum, or guide users through a presentation. Whether for gathering or distributing information, a web presence is a great place to engage and share information with your audience.
Establish a pro-active customer service oriented image of your company by providing useful information to your customers online, such as technical publications, examples of product use, instructions and other value added bits of information. Establish your company as technologically savvy in the forefront of communications today.
Make it easy for customers to request specific information from your company, place a purchase order or send an e-mail with user request forms. Your site can also gather valuable customer information with customer reply surveys.
Allow visitors easy access to information in your site by utilizing a search engine that can search the pages within a site or a specific relational database.
Utilize your existing communication, marketing and outreach strategies on the internet to establish a consistent communications approach. Integrating current or existing marketing assets like logos and customer artwork, can help save on web development costs.
Begin to reduce the cost of paper, printing and mailing by providing the same material digitally on-line. Distributing information on the internet may not eliminate the need for hard copy promotional materials, but if you've ever had to update a printed brochure you'll appreciate the cost savings associated with internet publishing.
After the design and architecture of a web site has be established and produced, making revisions and adding or deleting content from a site can be very cost effective. We provide site maintenance plans if desired or we'll share options to educate your staff about basic web page structure and maintenance.
Take advantage of established industry specific networks to attract the visitors you desire. Promote your presence with links to your site from related resource lists, internet catalogs and the best search engines available. Use e-mail updates to specific usergroups to promote changes and additions to your site.
Connecting your web site to an FTP server allows your audience to share documents by downloading and/or uploading files and folders in application specific formats. For collaborative projects this can be a great file management and quality control document sharing solution. Whether within one building or spanning large geographical areas, FTP sites are easily password protected.

الحنونة الحلوة
الحنونة الحلوة
تسلمين لي يابعد هالدنيا عسى الله يوفقك دنيا وآخرة يارب

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انعم بنووته
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واي طلب انا بلخدمه

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