الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
11-12-2022 - 10:53 pm
ممكن طلب يافراشات والله انكم توقفوا مع الواحد ولا تردوه
أبي بحث أو موضوع عنالكذب عند الأطفال باللغة الانجليزية وبرضو واحد تاني عن الحوادث بليز ضروري الله يعطيكم العافية

التعليقات (6)
This topic might help you
child's lying problem and how to stop it.
Children under age 6 often tell tales and have difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Telling tall tales is entirely different from lying. This usually is just an expression of your child's imagination at work, and does no harm to anyone.
Tall tales become more harmful when your child reaches age 6 and you--or your child--can no longer distinguish truth from fantasy. At this point, your child might have a problem. Find out what may be causing your child's lying and how to end it.
Why ?
The child who exagerates, tells lies or distorts the truth does so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they feel that they are not liked (for reasons often unknown) and will tell lies to make the listener like him/her more. They have learned that some forms of distoring the truth get them some attention; this sometimes compensates for their feelings of inadequacies. Sometimes the child will lie to avoid being reprimanded or to avoid consequences that they believe will happen with a truth. Some children lie to get others into trouble, these children are often in trouble themselves.
Children often lie to avoid tasks, a child will say that their homework is done in order to do something more pleasurable. Children don't like to get caught when misbehaving and will often lie or stretch the truth.
The solution "
** Always model 'telling the truth', avoid 'little white lies
** Teach your child through role playing, the value of telling the truth. This will take time and some patience.
** Role play the potential devestating consequences of lying
** Children should understand the hurtful consequences of lying and whenever possible, they should apologize for lying.
**Children need to be part of the solution and or consequences. Ask them what they are prepared to give or do as a result of the lie.
** Children often lie to keep their parents or teacher happy, they need to know that you value the truth much more than a small act of misbehavior.

جزاكي الله الف خير لالئ والله يعطيكي ألف عافيه يارب
وين باقي الفراشات أبي موضوع الحوادث بعد

العفو اختي.....
ممكن تحددين ايش أنواع الحوادث

أي نوع من الحوادث مش محدد
والله مطلوب ضروري وأنا الانجليزي مطلع عيوني الله يسلمك يالالئ ويحقق لك كل أمنياتك بجد فراشة نفتخر فيها

Home Accidents
Home is a place where one feels safe and secure, but unfortunately it is also the place where one is most likely to have an accident which requires medical treatment.
What sorts of accidents happen at home?
It includes also being hurt by falling objects and general "bumping into" type accidents.
The elderly are particularly at risk from falls of any kind.
Heat Accidents:
Most people use gas cylinders for cooking. These are potential sources of serious fire accidents and most of the time there is hardly any time available for the victim's life to be saved
Home Page > First Aid
Home Accidents
Home is a place where one feels safe and secure, but unfortunately it is also the place where one is most likely to have an accident which requires medical treatment.
Some Facts:
The biggest single cause of accidents is human error !
More people are injured in their homes than anywhere else.
The kitchen, stairs and bathrooms are all potentially very dangerous places.
Many accidents occur in the home from everyday activities such as children playing, preparing food, simply moving about the house and during household repairs.
Accidents involving children often occur in the presence of an adult.
With forethought many accidents could be prevented !
What sorts of accidents happen at home?
It includes also being hurt by falling objects and general "bumping into" type accidents.
The elderly are particularly at risk from falls of any kind.
Heat Accidents: In our country, fire accidents are common especially in the rural areas where poor people use oil stoves for cooking.
There are places where sui gas supply has not been provided and people use gas cylinders for cooking. These are potential sources of serious fire accidents and most of the time there is hardly any time available for the victim's life to be saved Foreign Body Accidents:
Choking can occur if a solid or liquid blocks the respiratory passage ! Electricity Hazards
Children are especially vulnerable here as they are likely to put all manner of
objects in their mouths !
House Hold Safety Precautions الطرق المؤدية للأمان من الحوادث المنزلية
Keep sharp knives in a safe drawer. **
Keep hot oil utensils away from the reach of children after cooking. **
Wipe up any spills immediately **
Never leave children unattended near a bathtub that has water in it. **
Install handles along the wall of the tub or shower and beside the toilet**
particularly if there are old people in the household.
Lock up medication, razors, cleaning products. **
Do not place furniture that children can climb on, in front of a window. **
Choose stable pieces of furniture that will not tip over. **
Wall-mounted lampscannot tip over
Never smoke in bed.**

مشكورة اخت لالئ
الله يسعدك
من وين بتجيبي المواضيع
اخر طلب طفشتك عن الحج موسم عاد
وشكرا الك كثير

اليوم الإثنين وبكرة الثلاثاء لا لا فراشات الإنجلش
كلمات باللغه التركيه