البنت اللذي كويسه
22-08-2022 - 07:12 am
بنات المدرسه اختاروني اشارك بمسابقة الانجليزي على مستوى الشرقيه
والمسابقه عباره عن القاء اي برقراق لمدة 5 دقايق
انا لقيت هذآ البرقراف
On school days I don't get long free time because of too much homework I have to do. I usually get two free hours every day. Then I can do what I like. I thing that watching T.V programmers is more interesting than watching video films. In my opinion, I think reading magazine is enjoyable and it's boring to read books and newspaper. I like to spend my holiday with my family; we usually go together to shopping center and some times to the cinema. On weekend, I prefer to visit my friend and spend lovely time with hear in her house.
بس حسيت بخلص القائه وا لدقايق ماخلصت بالاضافه انه مايصلح لمسابقه بهالحجم
الله يخيلكم ساعدوني بافكار وبرقرافات مبي افشل المدرسه والمعلمات اللي اختاروني