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- J J [ How to write a technical report: كيف نكتب technical report ؟
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الحين بعطيكم المطلوب مني عشان تساعدوني..
تعريفات Ñ Definitions:- Ñ In general: Technical writing is a specialized, structured WAY of writing , where information is PRESENTED in a format and manner that best the level of understanding and needs of the readers so they can respond to a document as its author intended, and achieve the purpose related to that documents. Thus, it is a writing formatted and shaped to make reading as simple and enjoyable as possible (i.e. “user friendly”). Most technical writing positions are offered to those who can write effective end.
Ñ Society:- The society for Technical communication defines technical Communication as “the process of gathering information from experts and presenting it to an audience in a clear, easily understandable form” Ñ E-words:- defines technical writing as “the presentation of information on any scientific, engineering, or technological topic in the form most suited to its user”
J J J ¥ page 2 : [ A " Technical " Approach to writing: Ñ Definition: Format, organization, and style are important in that they make information available, accessible , and readable. Format and the like are the " how " of a written presentation.
J J [ How to write a technical report: كيف نكتب technical report ؟
الهدف أو الغاية: Purpose: First, make sure you are clear about what you are going to write and why you are writing it. You should arrange things so that the key facts and conclusion are very accessible. Therefore, your report should start with summary that can be read in few minutes.
J J J جمهور القراء: Audience: Ñ Definition: Determine who you are writing for. This is important as it helps you choose the right language and level of detail. Customize your document's content to the knowledge and interest levels of the reader. J J J التخطيط: Outline: Ñ Definition: The fastest way to write is to start with detailed outline. The topics mentioned in the outline will expand into what will become the main points of paragraphs. In addition it is much easier to re-organize a report at the outline stage by moving phrase around, rather than move entire chapters and sections around after the report is finished. J J J ¥ page 3 : كتابة المسودة الأولية: [ Writing first draft: 1) Begin writing with the main text, not the introduction.
2) Follow your outline in terms of headings and subheadings. 3) Let the ideas flow 4) If you get stuck , go back to your outline plan and make more detailed preparatory notes to get the writing flowing again.
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