lost draems
13-06-2022 - 05:40 am
مرحبا صبايا
بليز حار للي بتعرف تترجم هلنص ما تبخل علي لاني بصراحة بحاجة ماسه لعلامه منيحة
I was convinced that I was about to become another of the military regim's 'disappeared'
but on one of the stages of that pilgrimage, I performed an exercise that consisted in experiencing what it felt like to be buried alive
I managed to finde a track that led me to remote village
what about your epitaph ?
there wont be a headstone on which to write an iscription
'stuck in the category of the 'living dead
and insted ,urges us to risk everything,to bet everything on those thng we always dreamed of doing
thaaaaank alot for everyone
او حملي برنامج الوافي الذهبي مره ممتاز فالترجمه
ان شاء الله اكون افدتك