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جالاكسي والعالم عكسي
02-06-2022 - 07:44 am
السلام عليكم
انا ابي عرض بوربوينت عن المطاعم عن اي شي مثلا يعني المطاعم اللي تدعم اسرائيل او اي شي بليزبس لازم يكون بالE بليزلا زم اسلمه يوم السبت هذا وانا والله لو قدرت لكنت سويته بس اخوي مشغول وانا مااعرف اسويه والمكتبه غاليه عندنا بل ل ليز

التعليقات (7)
جالاكسي والعالم عكسي
جالاكسي والعالم عكسي
وينكم يلا يلي يز
ردو علي

الافعى الحنونة
الافعى الحنونة
San Remos restaurant is filled with Italian heritage and atmosphere. Italian
speaking hosts seat the hungry customers at a table lined with a hand-stitched checkered
tablecloth with candles on top. The waiter brings Italian menus and bread to the table, and
while deciding what to order, the customers can relax to Italian opera house music.
Before ordering, customers are tortured with the aroma of the food surrounding them.
Fresh baked bread, hot pizza, and lasagna right from the oven pass by their table on the
way to the mouths of other hungry customers. Deciding what to order could be the
hardest task of the night. Looking around at what others have ordered doesn’t help much
either: almost every dish looks good enough to eat. The menu has a variety of different
Italian dishes. With everything from pizza to enoqui, almost anyone can find something
attention moves towards the ground. The sidewalk is noticed; it has all the old owners
order. The wine menu has number of choices. The prices vary from $90 to $2000. Most
San Remos is known for their great service, they are a small family owned
After a few glasses of wine are served, the customer will be presented with a fresh When done with the delicious meal, the customers walk out and see the candle lit,

الافعى الحنونة
الافعى الحنونة
Better Restaurant
In a world where there are many restaurants trying to compete in a market with room for few, one must come out on top. Many restaurants come and go, and others stay around for years and go on to sell their products in your grocer’s freezer section. With a society now interested in going to a restaurant that has crazy crap on the wall and food that has really long wacky names, two major competing chains stand out: F.N. Huxley’s and Applebee’s. Even though F.N Huxley’s is not a real restaurant, it is still far better than Applebee’s.
As stated before F.N. Huxley’s is not a real restaurant, but I believe the food is much better than Applebee’s. F.N. Huxley’s uses USDA choice cut meat from it’s own cattle ranch somewhere in New Mexico. Each F.N. Huxley’s location has it’s own greenhouse to grow their own fruit and vegetables, so you know your food will be fresh. At F.N. Huxley’s, only cooks with associate degrees in the culinary arts make the food. At Applebee’s
the meat comes from dead camels in Egypt, then it is seasoned to taste like beef. Applebee’s steals fruits and vegetables from F.N. Huxley’s greenhouses, because they are an evil corporation. The cooks at Applebee’s are former McDonald’s fryer cooks, who have no high school diplomas.
In the end F.N. Huxley’s is the superior restaurant on the market, with good food, good service, and a great atmosphere. Applebee’s comes in at a pathetic last place, right after Waffle House. Unfortunately, since F.N. Huxley’s is just a stupid idea for a restaurant that my roommate and his friends have, the place doesn’t exist. So nobody can have a taste of the true F.N. Huxley’s experience. Further more, the service at F.N. Huxley’s stores is far superior to that of Applebee’s. When you first arrive at F.N. Huxley’s, a valet will park your car for you. Then you will be seated in a luxury golf cart and driven to the main dining area where you will be seated. The servers at F.N

الافعى الحنونة
الافعى الحنونة
اتمنى اني افدتك ولو بالقليل

جالاكسي والعالم عكسي
جالاكسي والعالم عكسي
مشكوره الله يعطيك العافيه

أختي الأفعى الحنونة مشكورة على مساعداتك لكن انتبهي لأنه أكتر الحلول اللي بتقدميها ما بتكون الها علاقة مباشرة بالموضوع

الافعى الحنونة
الافعى الحنونة
حبيبتي miss moody
شكرا حبيبتي وانا منتبهة مرات يعني اعطي موضوع يحتوي على افكار وبس يعني من خلاله يقدر الواحد ياخد افكار ومعلومات عن الدرس.

الفرق بين Perhaps و Probably