الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
25-07-2022 - 03:23 pm
  1. " بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "

  2. اليكم بعض مقالات اعلامية

  3. key principles and standards

  4. The following is a brief overview of these elements:

  5. 1 - the source or sender (SOURCE):

  6. 2 - message (MESSAGE):

  7. 3 - the means or the channel (CHANNEL):

  8. 4 - the recipient or the future RECEIVER

  9. The functions of the media

  10. 5 - for entertainment and the provision of entertainment and leisure.

  11. The second entry:

" بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "

اليكم بعض مقالات اعلامية

Journalism is a profession which is based on collecting and analyzing the news and check the credibility and offered to the public, and often this news events on the latest development related to the political arena or local Ooalthagavip, sports, social and other. Journalism as old as the ages and time, dating to the time of the Babylonians, who used a writer to record the most important events of the day for people to know it. In Rome it was the laws and resolutions of the Senate and the contracts, judicial decisions and events of interest that occur on the territory of the Empire are given up to people to keep them. Hit the event after the fall of Rome, and stopped until the fifteenth century, and in the early sixteenth century after the invention of printing by Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, and was born the news industry, which included information on what is going on in official circles, and there was room even for the ads.
In about 1465, has begun distributing the first newspaper printed and when it became news that is printed on a regular basis, it was possible then to talk about the press in its true sense and that was in the beginning of the sixteenth century. In the late seventeenth and eighteenth periodic press began to spread in ****pe and America, and there is runs counter livelihoods for journalism as a profession, and the French Revolution was a catalyst for the emergence of modern journalism, as London was the cradle of the Communist theory of communism
Witnessed the first quarter of the twentieth century, the birth of the theory of the Communist press. That Karl Marx is the spiritual father to them, the theory of his fellow German philosophy, George Hegel. It is based on the theory that the functions of the media, in a communist society, are the same functions, the governing body, which support the survival and expansion of the socialist system, and that these means must be found, for the dissemination of socialist policy, and do not have to search for the truth. Under this theory, the mass media are instruments of government, and part, parcel, from the State, the State owns and operates this means, and the Communist Party is the direction, and allow communist theory self-critical (such as talking about the failure to achieve the goals of communism) .
Assume that the theory of communism, the masses are weaker, and did not know that to be informed, everything in government, the media should work always for the better, better, usually, is what the leadership agrees, of course, with the line of Marxist theory, and then , all what you do and the media in order to support and contribute to, the success of communism, is a moral, while, that everything you do to disrupt the Communist achievement, is unethical.
Used the theory of communism many items of propaganda, rather than to scientific theorizing, slogans equal opportunities, equality and social justice and cultural progress and raise the exploitation of the layers of working people. With the collapse of communism and the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1989, by the Soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev, theoretical communism collapsed Freedom of the press
Freedom of the press (or a free press) is a guarantee provided by the government for freedom of expression and often that freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution of the country's citizens, associations and extends to broadcast news organizations and print reports. And extend that freedom to include news-gathering and operations related to access to information with a view to publishing news reporting. With regard to information on government, it is the government the power to define what information available to the public and what information is protected from publication to the public, based upon the classification of information to sensitive information and highly confidential and confidential or protected from publication because of the impact of information on national security. Many governments are subject to the laws of liberty, or remove the recipe Freedom of Information Act which is used to determine the interests of a nation.

key principles and standards

Freedom of the press for many countries implies that the right of all individuals to express themselves in writing or in any other form of expression of personal opinion or creativity. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and search for and receipt of information or important ideas through any media regardless of any limits." Are usually associated with this philosophy by legislation ensuring various degrees of freedom of scientific research, publishing, printing, and the depth of the embodiment of these laws in the judicial system from one country to another can be up to the extent included in the Constitution. Often cover the same laws, the concepts of freedom of speech and freedom of the press means an thus dealing with individuals and the media equally. In addition to these legal standards used by some non-governmental organizations more criteria to judge the extent of freedom of the press in the world. The Organization of Reporters Without Borders, to take into account the number of journalists killed or deported or threatened by the existence of state monopoly of television and radio as well as the existence of censorship and self-censorship in the media and independence in the media as well as the difficulties of foreign correspondent. The organization Freedom House Vtders political and economic environment, the more general each country for the purpose of determining the existence of relations of dependency when the application limit of the level of press freedom exists in theory or not. Therefore, the concept of independence of the press is closely related to the concept of freedom of the press
Liaison Elements
1 - Source
2 - letter
3 - way
4 - the recipient (future)
5 - echo or response
6 - Impact

The following is a brief overview of these elements:

1 - the source or sender (SOURCE):

It means the originator of the message, the source may be an individual or group of individuals may be an institution or company, and is often used source-based communication in the sense, but what it should be noted here is that the source is not necessarily based communication, Fmndob TV may get to the news of a certain the scene, then the editor shall be drafted and edited, and presented to the public bulletin reader, in this case we found some studies that the communication goes both representative and newsletter editor and a reader-based communication, and different role, while the other type of studies suggest that the existing contact is Reader publication only, that is, while broadening the concept of some existing contact to include everyone involved in the message one way or another, others narrowed the concept of restricting it to play the role clear to the recipient.

2 - message (MESSAGE):

A meaning or idea or content transmitted by the source to the future, and include the meanings, ideas and views on specific subjects, expressed in symbolic language, whether spoken or unspoken, and the effectiveness of communication depends on the common understanding of the subject and the language in which it is delivered, the scientific terminology and complex mathematical equations for biochemistry, for example, be understood by the chemistry professor and his students, but if the same professor, speaking on the subject with students the information and communication was not the case, there is a gap or absence of a common area of understanding between the sender and the future, the same logic, if the professor will deliver a lecture in a language not understood or not known to the audience, or if you use gestures and signals with different connotation to them.
On the other hand the effectiveness of communication depends on the total size of the information contained in the letter, and level of information in terms of simplicity and complexity, as the information if a few they may not answer questions of the recipient, does not adequately inform him of the merits of the communication, which makes them vulnerable to distortion, but much information may be difficult to absorb the recipient is not able to link cognitive apparatus themselves.

3 - the means or the channel (CHANNEL):

Is defined as the tool by which or through which the message is moved from the sender to the future, and different means depending on the level of communication, they are in the mass communication of the newspaper or magazine, radio or television, in the collective communication such as a lecture or sermon or conferences could be a microphone, and in some Contact collective attitudes may also be the tool prints or slides or videos, and in direct contact with the means are not mechanical (industrial), but be natural, ie, face to face.

4 - the recipient or the future RECEIVER

Is the public who receives the message, communication or information and interact with and affected by, the intended target in the communication process, no doubt that the public understanding of characteristics and circumstances play an important role in understanding the meaning of the message and the degree of impact on the mentality of the public, can not be expected that the public is to believe and to abide automatically the message Journalism theory development or theory development
This theory is still a collection of opinions and recommendations, suitable for all media and functions in developing countries. This takes the theory and independent existence of other theories of the press, of the recognition and acceptance of development, and confirmation of the identity of the nation and the unity and cohesion, and its refusal to dependence and arbitrary authoritarianism.
Press and development, as defined by Leonard Sussman, is the thematic focus of journalists, the news on the latest developments in various fields of development, which leads to the success of economic development, and achieve national unity, or are: "Government's use of communication ports, to achieve economic and social development." Press and require development of newspapers, "says Narinder Ajarwala, to critically examine, evaluate and write, about the extent to which development project, the particular needs of different national, and examines the differences between the plan and application, and the difference between the effects on people, in official statements, and the actual effects.
He notes the contradiction between the government use of the press, in the service of development, and the oversight role of the press; Under government control, and turn back Monetary Development News, a pillar of the government and political leadership. Perhaps this discrepancy is that the media called the English thinker, Anthony Smith, to emphasize the necessity of differentiating between development journalism and communication at the service of development, it is believed that the two concepts overlap, within the framework of government control. This is confirmed, Krib Rameial, referring to support the concepts of "development journalism", and "press charges", and "Communication in the service of development".
According to the theoretical development, summarized the functions of the media, in the development process, the following points:
  • trends in the formation of the people, and the development of national identity.
  • To assist citizens, to recognize that the new State had already.
  • policies, determined by the Government, in order to assist in achieving national development.
  • Encourage citizens, confidence in institutions, and government policies, thus legitimizing political power, and strengthens their position.
  • contribute to the achievement of political and social integration, by examining the political and social conflicts, and frustration votes fragmentation and segregation, and mitigation of contradictions in values and trends between disparate groups.
  • To assist in stability, national unity, and placing the interests of national self-interest.
  • To highlight the positives, and ignore the negatives, and reduce the volume of money to a minimum.

And press development is the natural result of the revolutionary press, it seeks to create a new nation and development. Some researchers believe that the press and press the revolutionary development of the basic necessities to lead the battle to liberate the country from the country, from foreign domination, and represent a source of consternation for supporters of the status quo, and advocates for, and these two types of patterns are of the press has, in some cases, passionate, emotional, The move away from objectivity, and even the tendency to debate violent and aggressive

The functions of the media

The role of media in society is important and very dangerous to the extent that governments set aside all sections and departments and ministries responsible for achieving the objectives of information internal and external through those means, and those internal objectives of raising the cultural level of the masses, and the development of their social and economic development.
Externally, it is the objectives of the information services definition of the world civilization of peoples and views of governments in international issues.
Governments not only the attention of the media, but that the institutions of social, political and economic concern to, and found that those means served and serve its objectives and help to flourish.
Not least the importance of information and means of what has become known in the world, that a state with strong media are strong and capable, the media has become a major factor in the influence of some countries, particularly those found by one of the main pillars, and submitted it for the rest of the pillars of the state.
The reason for all this is that the media influence the public and effective, positively or negatively; What are the functions of those means?
Media five main functions:
1 - Post News
2 - direction and formation of attitudes and trends.
3 - Increasing the culture and information.
4 - Development of human relations and increase social cohesion.

5 - for entertainment and the provision of entertainment and leisure.

6 - advertising and publicity The definition of contact
The origin of the word COMMUNICATION in ****pean languages - which is quoted or translated into other languages and spread in the world - to the roots of COMMUNIS Latin word which means "common thing", and the word word is COMMUNE which would mean in the tenth and atheist dozen "civic group" after the wrested the right to self-management groups in both France and Italy, before it acquires the word meaningful political and ideological to be known as "Paris Commune" in the eighteenth century; The reaction of the Latin root word COMMUNICARE it means "broadcast or common" and the act is derived from the Latin and French COMMUNIQUE adjective which means "official communication" or a statement or clarification of government.
Contact can be described as the secret of life on Earth, evolution, and some researchers believe (that the connection is life itself), and despite the fact that mankind is not alone in this unique phenomenon, where there are many types of communication between organisms, however, that the connection between people saw the diversity of methods, and developed dramatically in the historical stages in arrears.
With so many definitions that were developed by researchers to the concept of communication (Communication), we can adopt a simplified and comprehensive definition of communication is: (the connection process by which interaction between sender and receiver and a message in the contents of a particular social, and this interaction is the transfer of ideas and information between stimuli and individuals case, or on or just the reality of a given)
And communication process of participation (Participation) between the sender and the future, not the process of transferring (Transmision) as the transport means completed at the source, but participation means a duplication of, or in the presence of autism, this is the closest to the communication process, so it can be agreed that communication is the process of participation ideas and information through broadcast transmissions of the meaning, direction and conduct of him, and then receive a certain efficiency, to create a certain response in the middle of a certain social. Most studies agree on this subject, since more than half a century, until the present time, the division of communication to several types or models, notably:
Communication and self-personal communication and collective communication and mass communication (media), this latter type of communication, modern technical form than the direct encounter, social interaction and face to face, using technical means expensive and sophisticated, such as printing, radio, television and cinema as well as system information and communication satellite synthetic, and the Internet.
They were numerous concepts proposed for determining the meaning of multi-contact schools for the intellectual and scientific researchers in this area, with a multiplicity of angles and aspects that researchers take these into account when considering this process, for the scientific research say that there can be two entrances to the definition of contact:
The first entry:
Contact viewed as a process in which the first party (sender) sends a message to a third party for (future) events leading to particular effect on the recipients of the message.

The second entry:

Felt that communication is based on the exchange of meanings in the messages, and through which individuals interact with different cultures, in order to allow for delivery of sense, and understanding the message.
The entrance, the first aims to define the phases through which communication, and examine each stage separately, and its and its impact on the communication process as a whole.
The second definition is the definition of architecture or synthetic, which focuses on the key components of meaning, which in turn are divided into three main groups:
A - Subject: Pointing and symbols.
B - Qari subject and experience cultural and social Conteh, and signs and symbols that it uses.
C - awareness of the existence of external reality due to the topicTheory (gatekeeper) media
Pass the message through several stages, going from the source until it reaches the recipient, and these stages are similar to the string composed of several workshops, namely, according to the conventions of this theory, the information in the communication process is just a series of related links.
The simplest types of chains are a series of direct contact Moaaghi, from one individual to another, but these strings in the case of mass communication to be long and very complex, because the information within a network as complex as the newspaper or radio station or TV, to pass by many of the episodes or regulations related, An event that occurs in Iraq, for example, passes through several stages before it reaches an audience in America or ****pe or the Middle East, and we find much information coming out of some of these seminars or regulations rather than involving, so call (Shannon) reinforcement systems, digestive Relay any media can be made (at the same time) a very large number of identical messages, such as copies of newspapers, and deliver them to the public, as there are in this type of strings certain networks of systems within systems, The media themselves are networks of systems related in complex ways , so that the function of decoding or code interpretation and storage of information, then put it again in symbols, a function performed by all communicators, as well as the individual who receives the messages and media is part of the existing relationships within the group, and assisting the modus operandi of the network and the reality society with high literacy rate and the degree of industrialization, as increased reliance on chains and the media, and the society in which low literacy rate and the degree of industrialization (primitive) Knower where most of the information through chains of personal contacts.
It is noteworthy that in societies undergoing the media to control the national individuals begin to question the sincerity of what is published by the mass media, so it becomes personal contact Moaaghi chains, from individual to individual, is very important, and very long, and it develops next to chains and mass media In this case, we find that the chains of personal contacts, which carry the rumors and hearsay and hidden information of all kinds - from individual to individual - you control the media, and to supplement deficiencies in it.
We must know how to operate the connection strings, and how information travels throughout the community, it is the basic facts referred to by the world (Kurt Lewin) that, in each episode, in the series, an individual, has the right to decide whether the message received, convey or will not move them, and whether that message will get to the next episode, the same form in which they came, or will come some changes and amendments. And guarding the gate control means to a strategic place in the connection string, so that the gatekeeper decision-making authority, as will pass through the gate, and how it will pass, until eventually reaching media vehicle, and then to the public.
Wayne says that the information at different stages to appear on the pages of newspaper, magazine, or in electronic media, was named to Win these stages ((gates)) and said that these gates regulate the quantity or amount of information that will pass through it, has pointed to Win to understand function ((gate)) is to understand the factors that influences or controls the decisions made by the (gatekeeper).
In other words, there is a gate of the guards standing at all stages of the chain under which the transfer of information, and those guards have the right to open the gate or turn them off before any message that comes to them, as they have the right to make adjustments that will pass on the message, for example, Any individual can decide whether to repeat or repeating a certain spread or not repeated, and we know that when rumors spread from mouth to mouth therein - mostly - some changes and recite the special concerns of the individual who is transferred or its information, and when the series goes on, we find Some of the information that comes out of the end does not look like the information entered at first, but in a few ways, if we take into account what is happening in the strings that carry news about the world, and have followed the news story goes on, for example, Japan or India to in one of the Confederate States of America, we note that passes many stages .. the first gatekeeper in this case is an individual who observes the event time of the incident, and suppose that a natural disaster has occurred, the individual selects - no sense - perceive certain things, and notes other things, any see things and lose sight of other things, has been speaking and refers to the aspects and neglect other areas. After this first gatekeeper gatekeeper comes second, a detective who gets the press news from the eyewitness (ie, the individual who witnessed the event itself), may be related to release more than a witness to be a full picture of the incident, and in all cases, the informant is the other, or choose a selection of facts that would convey, and the facts that Sehmlha, it will decide which aspects that will be chosen and identifies the importance that would give her the event.
Then recognizes the Detective Story to the agency's office that followed, and the agency is another editor to take a particular decision, for that story, decides whether it will be chosen from hundreds of news transmitted by telegraph to the participants at the Agency or reduce it or add to them or convert or convey as it is, and then comes the role of foreign news editor who receives cables in the newspaper, and decide how important it would give her the story, and therefore the space that must be allocated المرسل : منال اللهيبي ...

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