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فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
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25-07-2022 - 11:23 am
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم حبايبي ابيكم تسآعدووني بحل هالاسئله عن قصه mother in Mannville

التعليقات (3)
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What does Jerry have that some of the boys at the orphanage don't have?2. Why was the narrator at the cabin?3. What surprises the narrator?4. What does the boy look like? To what does the narrator compare him?5. What word comes to the narrator's mind when the narrator thinks of Jerry?6. In what ways does Jerry show integrity?7. What does the narrator see in Jerry's eyes? How does the narrator describe Jerry's character?8. Why is the narrator late in returning to the cabin?9. What does Jerry do when he learns of the fog?10. How did the dog bring the narrator and the boy closer together?11. What does Jerry tell the narrator that causes the narrator to feel distressed? 12.What does the narrator realize is the meaning of the distress?13. What are the two gifts Jerry tells the narrator his mother has sent him?14. What feelings does the narrator have toward Jerry's mother? Why does the narrator feel this way?15. What does the narrator say about the human mind?

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al afdal
why do you thinkthe dog didnot bark to warn the narrator the boy was at the door? ::::how does this prepare the reader for the relationship that the dog and the boy develop later in the story? ::::? why might the boy be making simple excuses to come and sit with the narrator ::::3- what kind of person is the narrator truly concerned about jerry?how do you know ?::::identify places in the story that suggest how the narrator feels toward jerry ? 4_:::: this story describes arelationship between jerry and the natural setting around him .Does this relationship successfully reveal certain traits about jerry,s charecter ?::::why ,or why not? 5::::-when does the narrator tell the boy the best time to visit would be?::::6_what does the narrator say about the humman mind?:::: 7-what are the two gifts jerry tells the narrator his mother has sent him?::::8_what does jerry tell the narrator that causes the narrator to feel distressed?::::what does jerry do when he learn of the fog ?::::9_why is the narrator late in returning to thecabin?::::9_what does the narrator see in jerry,s eyes?::::how does the narrator describe jerry,s character?::::10-why was the narrator at the cabin? ::::11-when the boy comes to the cabin for the first time ,what surprises the narrATOR ?:::::WHAT WORD COMES TO THE NARRATOR ,S MIND WHEN THE NARRATOR THINK S OF JERRY ?::::IN WHAT WAYS DOES JERRY SHOW INTEGRITY::::

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