الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
ريما المطيري
15-03-2022 - 04:16 am
هاي بنات كيفكم إنشاء الله بخير
اناطالبكم طلب وأتمنى ماتردوني
أبغى وحده تحل لي هذي الأسئلة واجب عندي الأستاذة طالبها علي بكرة عليه درجات......
وإنا صراحة متورطة وخايفه ارسب في هذه المادة...
لهذا الرجاء مساعدتي بليز...بليز..
وهذا هو الواجب 1 )you have an elderly parent who is no longer strong enough to live alone .what would you do?
2)you are unable to have children. A child is available to adopt right now .However, This child is of a different race than you and your spouse. what would you do? 3 )A student in your class is asking the teacher .if he can make up a test because he was ill. the day of the test, you saw this student. he was not ill. What would do? 4 )you and your friends are sitting in acate.they start criticizing the character of someone you know. you know their information is untrue, but you do not want to alienate your friends. What would you do? تحلي هذه الأسئلة بس تبدي الجواب باحدى
1)Well, one thing I might do is…

التعليقات (5)
ريما المطيري
ريما المطيري
وينكم ماحد رد عليه

خوخة الدوخة
خوخة الدوخة
صباح الخير اتمنى اختي تكوني لسا سهرانة.
1 )you have an elderly parent who is no longer strong enough to live alone
.what would you do?
well one thing i might do is to move and live with my elderly parent to help hime.
2)you are unable to have children. A child is available to adopt right now .However,
This child is of a different race than you and your spouse. what would you do?
i would never ever consider different race a problem, because we are human beings
3 )A student in your class is asking the teacher .if he can make up a test because he was ill. the day of the test, you saw this student. he was not ill. What would do?
if i saw him and i was suer that he was not ill ,I would tell the teacher in privet about him.
4 )you and your friends are sitting in acate.they start criticizing the character of someone you know. you know their information is untrue, but you do not want to alienate your friends. What would you do?
it is possible that I would wait for them till thay finish ,then i well start correcting ther wrong information.

الله يوفقك يارب ويسعد خوخه (( ترى كلنا جداويات
خوخة الدوخة
well one thing i might do is to move and live with my elderly parent to help him .
2)you are unable to have children. A child is available to adopt right now .However,
This child is of a different race than you and your spouse. what would you do?
I would never ever consider different race a problem, because we are human beings
3 )A student in your class is asking the teacher .if he can make up a test because he was ill. the day of the test, you saw this student. he was not ill. What would do?
if I saw him and i was sure that he was not ill ,I would tell the teacher in privet about him.
4 )you and your friends are sitting in acate.they start criticizing the character of someone you know. you know their information is untrue, but you do not want to alienate your friends. What would you do?
I t is possible that I would wait for them till thay finish ,then I will start correcting their wrong information.

ريما المطيري
ريما المطيري
الى احلى اثنين
خوخة الدوخة وام ريناد وريماس
الله يوفقكم ويسعدكم ويسخرلكم ازواجكم ويريح بالكم ويحفظكم من كل شر
انقذتوني في الساعات الاخيرة بصراحه كنت مره متحطمه وشايله هم
ماراح انسى جميلكم عليه

خوخة الدوخة
خوخة الدوخة
ام ريناد مشكورة على التعديل فعلا ما انتبهت وجزاك الله خير انقذتي ريما
ياعيني على بنات جدة..
ريما العفو ياقلبي وابشري بعزك متى ما احتجتي لنا..

ممكن ترجمتها
أول ثانوي رسالة بالانجليزي