الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
فراشة قطر555
17-11-2022 - 04:03 am
  1. Step 1. Set yourself a bedtime routine.

  2. Step 2. Arrange your bedroom for sleep.

  3. Step 3. Lower external stimulation.

  4. Step 4. Lower internal stimulation.

Here are 7 simple steps that provide a natural cure for insomnia and that will set you on the road to better sleep.

Step 1. Set yourself a bedtime routine.

Set a time for going to bed and for getting up in the morning and stick to them. Experts agree that most of us need about seven or eight hours sleep a night, but this varies from person to person. You’ll know yourself whether you can manage comfortably on six hours a night, or perhaps need as long as nine hours. Whatever the case, set your bedtime and wake up times accordingly and then keep strictly to them.

Step 2. Arrange your bedroom for sleep.

Your bedroom should only ever be used for sleeping (and for making love), so arrange it accordingly.
Set the temperature at a comfortable, cool level (ideally between 65 and 70 degrees), and make sure that your bedroom is well ventilated. If possible, sleep with a window open or, if this isn’t practical, ensure that air can circulate through the room, perhaps by using a fan. Also, make your bedroom as dark as possible when it’s time to sleep and avoid the common mistake of leaving a light on in case you need to get up during the night.

Step 3. Lower external stimulation.

Avoid doing anything that is likely to stimulate either your body or your mind in the hour or two before bedtime. Don’t do your daily workout during this time, or decorate the spare bedroom.
Also, try to cut out television in the run-up to bed. I know, this is not easy and you might even say “it’s impossible”. If this is the case, then don’t give this particular pleasure up but try to be selective in what you watch and choose programs that are relaxing.

Step 4. Lower internal stimulation.

If you’re a tea or coffee drinker then try to cut these out of your evening routine. This also applies to other drinks that contain caffeine, or high levels of sugar, such as many colas and hot chocolate.
Also, avoid drinking alcohol. Although a drink before bed might well help you to get to sleep, it will certainly not help the quality of the sleep that you get.
Step 5. Avoid overeating.
If, like many people, you enjoy a bedtime snack then keep your late night meal small and avoid high protein foods and foods that contain a lot of fat or sugar.
Try a small bowl or cereal or a low-fat yoghurt.
Step 6. Clear out your worries and concerns.
If you’re the type of person who goes to bed with your mind racing and runs over all of the worries and concerns of the day then here’s a tip for clearing the clutter from your head.
Shortly before you go to bed, take a notebook and write down all your worries and concerns. The simple act of committing these to paper will allow your mind to let them go and relax.
Step 7. Take positive steps to induce relaxation.
It’s easy to talk about the need to be relaxed when you settle to sleep, but how often do you actually take steps to relax yourself, rather than hope that relaxation will come.

التعليقات (9)
¦ مكعبات ثلج ¦
¦ مكعبات ثلج ¦
good steps .. actually i cant sleep easily
I'll try them .. hope they gonna work with me
thanks for your lovely topic

فراشة قطر555
فراشة قطر555
welcome Maryanaa

Thanks sister for sharing those steps with us

فراشة قطر555
فراشة قطر555
I share it with you because you could sleep a perfect sleep>>>>>and you are welcome

فراشة قطر555
فراشة قطر555
Hi girls in a moment i could be sad because until now 27 people enter this topic and only there are only 5 comments

thnc qatar's butterfly
nice topic

ملاك الوجود
ملاك الوجود
it is a nice topic thank u for sharing this topic

فراشة قطر555
فراشة قطر555
ملاك الوجود
thanks for your comments

miss moon
miss moon
Thank you alot dear
for these steps
in fact i can't sleep
esaily for that i I'll try
these steps
God belss you
you sister miss moon

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