الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
فراشة قطر555
16-01-2022 - 11:38 pm
  1. or other Bookshops

  2. Words Words Words

  3. the globe. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

In this Topic I will Display English Books and Stories That will help you in Future or Now And You Could find these books at Jareer Bookshop

or other Bookshops

Words Words Words

Words Words Words is a cornucopia of musings and exploration into the English language (or should I say languages), their history, evolution, roots and branches of what we say, hear, read and write The Stories of English
Crystal turns the history of the language on its head and provides a startlingly original view of where the richness, creativity, and diversity of the language truly lies: in the accents and dialects of nonstandard English users all over

the globe. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

contains a monstrous amount of information on a fascinating topic arranged in a clear, concise, and, above all, entertaining manner - a dangerous combination indeed, and one that can only lead to uncontrolable reading binges
lasting hours or perhaps days Toefl Books The Official Guide to the New TOEFL IBT with CD-ROM
Get the "only" guide to the new TOEFL iBT that comes straight from the test-makers!
If you're looking for the best, most trustworthy guide to the new TOEFL(R) iBT, you've found it! "The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT" is the one and only TOEFL guide specially created by ETS - the people who actually make the test. That's means it's your most reliable source for everything you need to know about new test. TOEFL Listening Practice
(Audio CD)
This book helps the Reader in Toefl excpecially at listening
and it has with it a CD That will help you Follow Me I will Complete

التعليقات (8)
Scabrous girl
Scabrous girl
woooooooow dear
it's great effort
thank u so mush
i need it
keep on

Action Girl
Action Girl

فراشة حنون
فراشة حنون
really thank you so much
its helpfull
your sister
فراشة حنون

نجمة الثريا
نجمة الثريا
thank you sooooooooooo much

فراشة قطر555
فراشة قطر555
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test (Book ( CD-ROM
A new edition designed to prepare students for the TOEFL iBT test, administered online. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL test, Fourth Edition helps students master the language skills they need to succeed on the TOEFL iBT Test and communicate effectively in an academic setting. Using an integrated skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL iBT, this fully revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study
Delta's Key to the TOEFL Test (Book and CD-Rom
Delta’s Key to the TOEFL Test is a comprehensive TOEFL preparation course. It is the first totally new TOEFL prep course to unlock the mysteries of the computerized TOEFL and the traditional paper–based test. The course design is based on sound instructional theory. This is a very popular guide, and we highly recommend it.
Follow Me I will Complete

احلى نجمة
احلى نجمة
it is more useful and interesting books
thank you alot

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
Thank you so much for your great effort

camellia rose
camellia rose
what's agreat effort
thanks alot

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