الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
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22-12-2022 - 08:49 am
مساء الخير جميعان
بنات الله لا يهينكم ابي منكم طلب ابي مواقع لبحثي هذا
why do we need research
what is research
بصراحه رحت لقوقل ودورت فيه لقيت فيه بعض الصفحات بس اغلب الصفحات ما ادري عن ايش فا لو سمحتوو احد يساعدني ويعطيني لنكات للاجوبه الاسئله اللي فوق وابي اي وحده تدخل تعطيني رايها واجابتها للسؤالين من عندها يعني عطيني رايك لانو احتاجه بعد بس بليز ابيه بالانقلش
وبس والله يعطيكم الف الف الف عافيه

التعليقات (6)
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وين البنات ؟
افا ترى هاذي ثاني مره انزل موضوع هنا بالقسم وبرضوه ثاني مرره محد يرد علي بها القسم
وش دعوه بنات ابي اقل شيء اللي تدخل تكتب اجابه للسؤالين من مخها وبس تكفوون لا تفشلوني

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
hello dear
we need researches bcause we need more information about a specific topic
and sometimes we do researches looking for details
also doing researches gives us a sense of responsibility because we depend on ourselves
I'm sorry dear I can't do it for you because I'm so busy and tired
but you can try
and may God bless you

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مشكوره ياقلبي الله يعطيك الف عافيه ويوفقك

سفيرة الغد
سفيرة الغد
What is Research? By Gary Andersen
The simple answer to this question is that research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve. We may already think we know the answer to our question; we may think the answer is obvious, common sense even; but until we have subjected our problem to rigorous scientific scrutiny, our 'knowledge' remains little more than guesswork or at best, intuition. But what do we mean by 'scientific scrutiny' and how do we go about it?
The term research has been used in so many contexts and with such a variety of meanings that it is difficult for the student to sort it all out. Much of what we have been taught about research is based on misconceptions. Advertisements on television proudly boast that research has revolutionized a product when in reality a marketing department has simply made a small change in the product designed to increase its appeal to consumers. Teachers give students an assignment called a "research paper" which mainly consists of gathering information from books and encyclopedias and reorganizing it and regurgitating it on a student -authored paper. These and other activities have been mislabeled research. They are more correctly, information gathering, note taking, library skills, or sales jobs. None of these are research . In order to understand what research is….. let's list first what research is not.
Here are a few examples:
1. Research is not just information gathering. A student going to the library and reading information on African Elephants is not research.
2. Research is not rearranging facts. A student writing a report on behavior of pendulums is not research.
3. Research is not a sales pitch. A new improved toothpaste developed after years of research is rarely if ever real research.
Now lets turn to the question, "what is research?" The KanCRN project has specific requirements to teach regarding the research process. True research is a quest driven by a specific question which needs an answer. Paul Leedy, in his book "Practical Research: Planning and Design" lists eight characteristics of research which serve us well in defining research for the student. Here are those eight characteristics.
1. Research originates with a question or a problem.
2. Research requires a clear articulation of a goal.
3. Research follows a specific plan of procedure.
4. Research usually divides the principal problem into more manageable sub-problems.
5. Research is guided by the specific research problem, question, or hypothesis.
6. Research accepts certain critical assumptions. These assumptions are underlying theories or ideas about how the world works.
7. Research requires the collection and interpretation of data in attempting to resolve the problem
وهذي طريقة عمل البحث من البداية الى الوصول الى النهاية وهي النتيجة ...نتيجة اي بحث نريد التوصل اليه
ارجو ان البحث افادك
دمتِ بخير

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الله يجزاكم الف خير انتي وكيوت بتر فلاي

The Cute Butterfly
The Cute Butterfly
واياك حبيبتي
والله يوفقك (:

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