.: سكـــون الليـــل :.
12-12-2022 - 09:53 am
السلام عليكم
يااحلى فراشات مين اللي راعيت فزعات الله يخليها ويوفقها ويحققلها اللي تتمناه
انا ابغى تشوفون الموضوع حقي ال grammar صح علي والا لا واذاكان فيه خطاء ممكن تصححه لي
i started writting my dairy when i was 12 years old . i didnt now what was the reasen that pushed me to do so .it might be internal express to prove my feeling away from father or mother compress and iam sure that it is the time to improve my self and because i didnt find any frinds to trust them. i started writting untile i realized that writting is the most interisting lovely hoppy to me
my frind stopped writting when she found out that her sister reads her diary and tells her frined about it . so, she tore the dairy and burned it and she didnt write ever again
يله بنات ابغاه ضروري وعليه 60 درجه حسافها والله يوفقكم
didn't OR did not
compress ما عرفت ايش تقصدين بالظبط ؟؟
هذي الاغلاط اللي عندك بال spelling
وعذرا لو فيه تقصير لاني مستعجله
الله يوفقك ان شاء الله