نور الدنيا 3
10-05-2022 - 03:53 am
السلام عليكم..
كيف الحال؟!!
بنات مدرسة الانجليزي معطيتنا واجب..
والواجب هوو ..,ماهو الفرق بين الحياة القديمه والحياة الجديده..
من حيث الطبخ ,من اين يحظرون الماء,والمنزل(كبيير, صغيير),وش به يصنعوون المنزل..
طبعا با الانجليزي..
اتمني انكم ماتطنشوني يا معلمات الانقلش ..
والطالبات ..
ام بساعدك بشوي من المعلومات =)
الطبخ :
in the old times , they cooked on the fire of wood and they don't use gas for cooking
in this time .. the people use gas and oven for cooking ..
الماء ..
in the past ,, they brought water from the wells but un this time no .. they use clean and healthy water which is bottled in the factories ...
المنازل ..
in the past ,, people were living in small and simple houses which are built from wood , mud and some grasses .... but in this time they are living in large and wide homes which are made from iron , concrete and
اتمنى لك التوفيق يا عزيزتي =)