الفراشة أصبح فتيات Ftayat.com : يتم تحديث الموقع الآن ولذلك تم غلق النشر والمشاركات لحين الانتهاء من اتمام التحديث ترقبوا التحديث الجديد مزايا عديدة وخيارات تفاعلية سهلة وسريعه.
فتيات اكبر موقع وتطبيق نسائي في الخليج والوطن العربي يغطي كافة المجالات و المواضيع النسائية مثل الازياء وصفات الطبخ و الديكور و انظمة الحمية و الدايت و المكياج و العناية بالشعر والبشرة وكل ما يتعلق بصحة المرأة.
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27-05-2022 - 04:05 pm
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الله يسعدكم يامدرسات الانجليزي اعتبروني طالبه عندكم ابغى مساعده ضروري
عاجل جدا
ابغى تعبير English literature حق الوزارة
الاستاذه طالبه مننا نكتبه ومعطيتنا الافكار اللي على اساسها نكتب التعبير بس ماعرفت وانا ثانويه عامه يعني رجاء تساعدوني
الافكار هي:
1- what is english literature ?
2- what does it include ?
3- what are the most commonbranches of literature ?
4- what is anovel ? what is aplay ?
5- what is the difference between biography and autobiography ?
6- Give examples of english authors ?
7- Give examples of aplay / novel ?<<----- يا ال novel او ال play .
8- what did you learn from the story ?
يعني تجاوبون على هذه الاسئلة ومن الاسئلة نكون التعبير...
رجاء الله يوفقكم تساعدوني باقرب وقت لا تخذلوني :(
ومشكورين مقدما ..
الله يعطيكم العافيه..

التعليقات (4)
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الله يسامحكم والله ماهقيتها منكم
ولا وحده ماهي قادره تكلف على نفسها شوي وتكتبلي هو؟؟؟
8 يدخلون ولا يردون؟
طيب على الاقل اللي ماتعرف تقولي عشان اعرف مو تدخلون ولا تردون
عالعموم مشكورين وماتقصرون اضن اني غلطت لمن طلبت منكم هالطلب وتوقعت انه في وحده بتعبرني شوي

1- what is english literature ?
The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, or literature composed in English by writers who are not necessarily from England. Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian. In academia, the term often labels departments and programs practicing English studies
2- what does it include ?
All the best-known and best-loved writers are included, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Swift, Boswell, The Romantic Poets, Jane Austen, and Dickens as well as others usually known only to those who study the subject at university.
3- what are the most common branches of literature ?
Mmm i think my sis are the
Elizabethan & Victorian age
what is a novel
A novel is an extended work of written, narrative, prose fiction, usually in story form; the writer of a novel is a novelist. The English word "novel" derives from the Italian word novella, meaning "a tale, a piece of news." The novel is longer (at least 40,000 words) and more complex than either the short story or the novella, and is not bound by the structural and metrical restrictions of plays or poetry
what is a play
In ancient Greece, going to the theater was a celebration of community, and the dramas and comedies portrayed moral virtue and vice. The structure was built into a hillside and the wall behind the stage structure was relatively low, so that the the audience could, by looking over the actors heads, view the entire polis
5- what is the difference between biography and autobiography ?
distinguish between biography and autobiography - recognising the effect on the reader of the choice between first and third person; distinguishing between fact, opinion and fiction
to develop the skills of biographical and autobiographical writing in role, adopting distinctive voices, e.g. of historical characters through, e.g. preparing a CV, composing a biographical account based on research
to form complex sentences through, e.g. using different connecting devices, reading back complex sentences for clarity and meaning and adjusting as necessary, evaluating which links work best
to identify mis-spelt words in own writing; to keep individual lists (spelling logs), to learn to spell them
to use known spellings as a basis for spelling other words with similar patterns or related meanings
to build up spellings by syllabic parts, using known prefixes and suffixes and common letter strings, apply knowledge of spelling rules, using visual skills, using known words and awareness of meaning or derivation
to use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a support for spelling, e.g. aero, aqua, audi, bi, cede, clude, con, cred, duo, log(o)(y), in, micro, oct, photo, port, prim, scribe, scope, sub, tele, tri, ex
6- Give examples of english authors ?
John Milton
Christopher Marlowe
Give examples of a play
what did you learn from the story
The play Othello is a tale of jealousy, revenge, and deception. Iago, a disgruntled military officer, in a quest for revenge against Othello, lies, cheats, and bullys everyone around in order to get what he wants. He uses Roderigo, Brabantio, and just about every other character in the play to attain his goal of ruining Othello. This summary is what the play might seem like to the unseeing eye, but to the indepth and trained reader there is more to the story then first appears.
so i learn many things,,such as don't let any negative feelings to controll me,,like jealous
or suspisios
اوكي اختي اتمنى اكون ماقصرت,,
وان شاءالله تفيدك,,

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الف الف الف الف الف شكر ياعيوني
الله يوفقك ويسعدك وين مالقيتي وجهك ويرزقك جنات الفردوس العليا
الله يعطيكي العافيه ويديكي على قد نيتك.

أنا محتاجه أحد يعلمني طريقة المحادثه حقت الوزارة لان مدرستنا معصبة علينا ماتعلمنا الله يسخرها لنا امين

في اعتقادي اذاعة مدرسية نموذجية
خواتي الفراشات مساعدتكم تكفون