- وراح اذكر لكم مثال لقصة من عندها :
السلام عليكم
كيفكم يابنات
انا طالبة سنة اولى بالجامعة
والأستاذة طلبت منا واجب في الرايتنج نكتب برجراف نتكلم فيه عن قصة لأي حدث صار لنا وفاجأنا في حياتنا
بحيث اننا نتكلم عن الأحداث بالتسلسل قبل الماجأة وأثناءها وبعدها بشرط ان الافكار تكون مترابطة
مع استخدام الكلمات الزمنية : First, Next, After that, Then, Finally
وتبيه يوم الأربعاء ومو شرط يكون الموضوع طويل وانا محتارة مره ومو عارفه ايش اكتب لأنها ماتبيه جاهز من النت
وراح اذكر لكم مثال لقصة من عندها :
There have been lost of times that I have been very surprised. But the one time I remember the best was one christmas when I got my first kitten….
It was christmas eve morning. There was a slight breeze in the house. I woke up humming gracefully. I walked to my windo and speeked out. Snow was falling softly, landing on the ground making white hills. I sighed. Christmas was the next day. I couldn't wait for Santa to come and place presents under the tree. Christmas Day was such a wonderful day.
That night my brothr, sister, and I got a plate out from the cabinet and put cookies all around it. We put a halfway filled glass of milk in the middle for Santa. We added carrots on another plate for the reindeer. After that I changed into my pj's and my dad tucked me into bed.
The next morning was Christmas! I went into my brother and sister's room to wake them up. Then I woke my parents up. We all went downstairs. When I got in the living room I saw shining presents everywhere! I ran to my presents and got the stuff out of my stocking. I sat down to play with them. As I started playing, I noticed a shiny blue present with holes in it behind the tree. I crawled behind the tree and picked it up. It had my name on it. I put it in my lap and sat on the couch and tore off the wrapping paper. It was a box. When I opened the box lid out jumped an orange striped kitten with big, round, blue eyes. It had a blue ribbon around its neck. The ribbon matched its eyes. It started licking me, I was very surprised. I thanked Santa a million times and went to my room to think of a name for it. I sat on my bed and put the kitten next to me. I stared at me with its big eyes. Then it crawled into my lab and started to purr. It liked me a lot I decided to name the kitten Lovely because she loved me so much. I picked her up and played with her until dinnertime. She was really fun to play with. At nighttime when my dad tucked me in I asked him if Lovely could sleep with me. He said yes and put her next to me on my bed. She put her paw on my heart and purred. Soon I fell asleep. So did Lovely.
And that was a time that I was very surprised. I got Lovely as a kitten, and I still have her. She is now a mother of three baby kittens. All with big, round, blue eyes-just like their mother. THE END
The response is focused on the topic and progresses logically from beginning to end. The student has chosen relevant and specific details as support, and the composition is unified throughout. There are strengths in all four composing characteristics
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