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عدد النتائج 1115 عن سفيرة

Lets Congratulate our Active Butterflies

In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful After Months & Days of giving & helping that we touch from our characteristic Butterflies in English Forum We found that it's our duty to deign them ...

Lets Start Thinking Differently So We Can Start Feeling Differently

Hello all my sweet butterflies are you ready for my new topic? hope so and hope you like it Let's Start Thinking Differently So We Can Start Feeling Differently When a person thinks positive thoughts he ...

Like a Rose

Hello Every body hi sweet butterflies there must be some lovely flower you like or prefer so let's see together every flower and it's meaning AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself for Me, Temperance, Fragile ...

lمحتاجه وحده تسوي دلكه مغربيه في جده

السلاام عليكم كيفكم يااحلى فرشات الي تعرف وحده تسوي دلكه مغربيه وبخور تعطني رقمها اليوم ضروري وتجي البيت كمان الله يعطيكم العافيه محتاجه اليوم ضروي تكون في جده تسلمولي والله

Nine 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself

Hi Sweet Girls Hello Butterflies How are you doing? Are you ready for my new topic so Go 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself: a preparation to self-improvement "What ...

o Oملكة الناباتاتO o دمج موضوعان

ينمو عادة في الغابات الحارة الرطبة أو الدافئة شبه الرطبة ويعمر طويلاً ويعرف بملكة النباتات وتعطي الشجرة 35ثمرة نعم ...

One Hour Makes All the Difference

Hiiiiiiiiiii Sweeties Butterflies Wasup? Well, today my topic is talking about what can you do it in only 1 houre it's miracle let's find out You've gone as far as you can with what you now know. Any progress ...

Ooh No Not again I cant handle it Can you

Hi My Sweet Butterflies Sometimes we find ourselves that can't express our feelings today we'll have a look and know how to mange our anger and express ourselves in better healthy way 1) Relax and visualize. Calm ...

Ordinary or True Friend let us know now صديقة عادية ام مخلصة دعونا نكتشف

Hello butterflies Now we can know our real friend who is she? and what is the different between your an ordinary friend and a true friend ? الفرق بين صديقتك الحقيقية وصديقتك ...

Problems with english

hey Butterflies this isn't really a riddle but its funny.... The English Lesson We'll begin with box, and the plural is boxes, But the plural of ox is oxen, not oxes. Then one fowl is goose, but two are ...

Same Words With Different Meanings

Hi butterflies today our topic is talking about so many words has same the spelling but completely different by meanings let's find out ( Note : Use a good English dictionary to learn the correct pronunciation ...

So Open your eyes see This piece of scarf on me I wear so proudly

Hello Butterflies Enjoy it with me ,these lovely words full of dignity share it with me , Just read it right now ***** Free What goes through your mind? As you sit there looking at me Well I can tell from ...

some people out there who R pretending 2BUR true friend شخص ما يدعي انه صديق لك

Hello My Butterflies ; Is it easy to say she is my friend ? what a friend for ? and how do i know my choice is right ? Meanings of True Friends - Things to Look Out For Be wary! There are some people ...

Talk to yourself

Talk to yourself Talking to yourself is no longer the first sign of madness - it's the first sign of excellence. talk to yourself just like you have exam & your studying it out loud "Self-talk" can help ...

The A Z of Self Improvement and Motivation

Hello my sweet sis how are you all hope you fine and do well inshalla my topic for today is about you and me and every butterfly in here The A-Z of Self Improvement and Motivation A - Achieve your dreams. ...

The courage to play the game

The courage to play the game The definition of courage: The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery . You may be born in a difficult ...

Think English Is Easy To Learn Think Again Funny English

Hello Sweet Butterflies today i have something funny about english hope you like it all and if you didn't like it i promise you won't see my face again writing here Ooh no don't believe it no way it's ...

To my dear أنستازيا

2-the different treatments people use for one illness Differences between the people compared Comparing different treatments given to groups of people Treatment comparisons usually entail comparing the ...

What do you think the best comment for this picture

In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent,The Merciful Butterfly competition for the best comment. Hello butterflies let us get started by now we will show you the picture and you know what to do . . . are ...

What I am about to tell you here today ll change your life forever

Hello dear butterflies Believe it or not In Only 5-Minutes A Day, You Can Easily Create The Life You Want - Guaranteed! If you have ever thought about why some people are successful in life and others ...