خالة عبدالله
13-02-2022 - 09:28 am
السلام عليكم ..........
الله يجزاكم خير محتاجة مساعدة ضروري...عندي يوم الأحد إختبار محادثة والدكتورة قالت كل أربع مع بعض وكل وحده منهم تأخذ ما لايقل عن أربع أدوار..ولا يكون الكلام اللي تقوله عادي مثل: yes, what you? او me too لانها بتقيم على اللغة وما ادري ايش..ولا خبرتنا بالموعد الا متاخر وكان عندي الثلاثاء والأربعاء امتحان وكمان السبت يعني يالله يمدي اذاكر ...الله يجزاكم خير ساعدوني لو بأفكار::
هذي المواضيع:
1-my first day in the college..
2-How could you improve your language skills?
3-asking about particular pleace ? يعني توصيف مكان..
4-compare the American university system with system in your country.
هي قالت لنا جيبوا اوجه الاختلاف واجه التشابه..... >> صعب مرة
5-accepting or refusing an invitation..
قالت لنا لما ترفضين جيبي سبب..
6-my favorite vacation>>my best vacation
الله يسهل عليكم بالدنيا والاخرة...ويحقق امانيكم يارب ...لا تخلوني ....
when I graduated from high school, many things changed...like the way my family look at me as a grown up (or adult)
On my first day in college , I felt a bit lost. I didn't know where my section was or how Iwas supposed to address the teacher ..should I say Ms ,Mrs, teacher, or doctor .
I felt happy that now my family treat me as a college student, as a responsible adult.
This reflected on my behavior on my first day in college where I had to keep reminding myself to act like an adult no running around or shouting to get my friend's attention.
I loved my first day in college when all students coming from different schools joined one department. I liked how we all stared at each other for minutes then got to know each other. I discussed my hopes and worries with my other fellow students (you can say colleagues )
I loved how we spent half an hour (30 minutes) searching for the cafeteria and when we found it , it was time for the nect lecture. It was hard for me to come on time for lectures without hearing the bell as in high school. But I guess it is all part of teaching the student how to manage time.
My first day in college was unforgettable day.